
  • Quill Editor

    Snow is a clean, flat toolbar theme.

    Hello World!

    This is an simple editable area.

    • Select a text to reveal the toolbar.
    • Edit rich document on-the-fly, so elastic!

    End of simple area

    Please include following css file at head element

                                                                    <!-- Quill css -->
                                                                    <link href="assets/css/vendor/quill.core.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
                                                                    <link href="assets/css/vendor/quill.snow.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />                                                  

    Make sure to include following js files at end of body element

                                                                    <!-- quill js -->
                                                                    <script src="assets/js/vendor/quill.min.js"></script>
                                                                    <!-- quill Init js-->
                                                                    <script src="assets/js/pages/demo.quilljs.js"></script>
                                                                    <!-- HTML -->
                                                                    <div id="snow-editor" style="height: 300px;">
                                                                        <h3><span class="ql-size-large">Hello World!</span></h3>
                                                                        <h3>This is an simple editable area.</h3>
                                                                                Select a text to reveal the toolbar.
                                                                                Edit rich document on-the-fly, so elastic!
                                                                            End of simple area
  • Bubble Editor

    Bubble is a simple tooltip based theme.

    Hello World!

    This is an simple editable area.

    • Select a text to reveal the toolbar.
    • Edit rich document on-the-fly, so elastic!

    End of simple area

    Please include following css file at head element

                                                                    <!-- Quill css -->
                                                                    <link href="assets/css/vendor/quill.bubble.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />                                                
                                                                    <div id="bubble-editor" style="height: 300px;">
                                                                        <h3><span class="ql-size-large">Hello World!</span></h3>
                                                                        <h3>This is an simple editable area.</h3>
                                                                                Select a text to reveal the toolbar.
                                                                                Edit rich document on-the-fly, so elastic!
                                                                            End of simple area


SimpleMDE is a light-weight, simple, embeddable, and beautiful JS markdown editor

Please include following css file at head element

                                                        <!-- SimpleMDE css -->
                                                        <link href="assets/css/vendor/simplemde.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />                                                    

Make sure to include following js files at end of body element

                                                        <!-- SimpleMDE js -->
                                                        <script src="assets/js/vendor/simplemde.min.js"></script>
                                                        <!-- SimpleMDE demo -->
                                                        <script src="assets/js/pages/demo.simplemde.js"></script>
                                                        <!-- HTML -->
                                                        <textarea id="simplemde1"></textarea> 
Color Scheme


Left Sidebar

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